Looking for questions for your book club in an easy-to-print format?
Click on the cover image of the book of your choice below to download a printable PDF* book club kit.
Each kit contains the official book cover and blurb, as well as possible discussion questions on characters, themes and definitions, structure and writing and any extras (if available) such as Q&A with the author, playlists etc . . .
Every title has its own book club kit. Slow Dance and Prom Night in Purgatory are a two-book series, thus only one kit for both titles.
Click on the cover image of the book of your choice below to download a printable PDF* book club kit.
Each kit contains the official book cover and blurb, as well as possible discussion questions on characters, themes and definitions, structure and writing and any extras (if available) such as Q&A with the author, playlists etc . . .
Every title has its own book club kit. Slow Dance and Prom Night in Purgatory are a two-book series, thus only one kit for both titles.
* Adobe PDF is a file format which saves existing documents with all their original formatting. In order to view PDF documents, you will need to have the free Adobe Acrobat Reader software installed on your computer. Click here to be redirected to Adobe Systems and then select Adobe Reader DC in the "Downloads" menu.